The Link Secondary School

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RE at The Link Secondary School

'There is that of God in everyone’ (Quaker belief)

English Maths Science ICT ASDAN PSHE Art Technology PE and Games Humanities R.E. French Residentials 16-19 Curriculum


About RE

In line with the Education Act of 1996 RE is provided for all of the pupils at The Link although parents have the right to withdraw their child from the lessons.

The RE curriculum reflects the fact that the religious traditions in the UK are in the main Christian, whilst taking account of the other principle religions represented in the UK.

RE at The Link is closely connected to the School’s overall aim of valuing the individual pupil and encouraging a sense of self respect and respect for others. Throughout key Stage 3 and 4 pupils are helped to acquire knowledge and understanding of the origins, teachings and practices of Christianity and other world religions. It helps them to appreciate the importance of religious and spiritual ideas in people’s search for meaning and purpose as well as reflect upon their own beliefs and values.

The school encourages visits to local places of worship such as St Mary's in Beddington and and welcomes visiting faith leaders at Assembly. RE is supported by School Assembly themes and has links with PSHCE, Citizenship, Drama, Art and Humanities and the Every Child Matters  agenda.

At Key Stage 4, besides the weekly class in RE, pupils can also study Religious ‘Beliefs and Values’ within ASDAN.







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