The Link Secondary School

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16-19 at The Link Secondary School

English Maths Science ICT ASDAN PSHE Art Technology PE and Games Humanities R.E. French Residentials 16-19 Curriculum


Our 16 - 19 Extended Education group provides for students who are 16+ who will benefit from a supported programme of transition to their next phase of Education. During their time with us Students are supported to develop their Independent Learning and Life Experiences alongside their key skills of numeracy, communication, literacy and ICT.

The teaching area is situated in a separate part of the school with a friendly, relaxed atmosphere in a comfortable well resourced environment. This is beneficial both to learning and to creating extra responsibility and independence for these older students.

The many school resources are available to the group and local facilities are used to widen their experiences and to make the curriculum relevant and meaningful. Local supermarkets for shopping, libraries, sports facilities, and other local places of interest including social activities with other schools and colleges to encourage interaction are integral to the course.

The student's learning is supported by our Speech and Language Therapists, classroom assistants and all other school personnel are available to the students.

Independent travel training, Literacy for Life, Young Business Enterprise and Independent Learning Skills are some of the components added to the core programmes of Numeracy, Literacy and I.C.T. and we provide each student with an individual learning programme adapted to their individual needs.

To assist with college access, day link courses are provided at several local colleges.


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