The Link Secondary School

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Maths at The Link Secondary School

"I hear, and I forget. I see, and I remember. I do, and I understand." Chinese proverb

English Maths Science ICT ASDAN PSHE Art Technology PE and Games Humanities R.E. French Residentials 16-19 Curriculum


The maths curriculum fully supports the aims and objectives of The Link School and sees the learning and development of a pupil as a partnership between parents, teachers and the pupil.

Our fundamental challenge is to meet the individual needs of all pupils across the full ability range by delivering a differentiated and supported curriculum which has high expectations, encourages active learning, delivers academic success and builds self worth.

Mathematics equips pupils with a powerful set of tools to understand and change the world. These tools include logical reasoning, problem solving skills, and the ability to think in abstract ways.

Mathematics is important in every day life and in many forms of employment. Students at the Link are encouraged to apply mathematical skills to everyday problems and are often involved in practical activities both on site and in the local community.   Mathematics is a creative discipline. It can stimulate moments of pleasure and wonder when a pupil solves a problem for the first time, discovers a better solution to that problem, or suddenly sees hidden connections.

Each class has six Maths lessons per week : 4 taught by the class teacher and 2 by the Maths co-ordinator. Curriculum organisation is individual, in response to each pupil’s I.E.P., level of ability and attainment.  The classes are mixed ability and in some cases groups may work together on a topic, but not necessarily to the same levels of understanding or assessment. 1:1 teaching may be more or less evident ( by the class teacher or attached LSA ) in response to need and individual progress.

All students will leave The Link with either a Certificate of Achievement ( Edexcel level 1,2,or3, as appropriate), or , the more able students will be entered for the GCSE Foundation / Intermediate Level (Edexcel). Years 10 and 11 also follow a ‘Number Handling’ component as part of their ASDAN Award, to help develop life skills.








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