The Link Secondary School

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French at The Link Secondary School

"I am therefore I think"

English Maths Science ICT ASDAN PSHE Art Technology PE and Games Humanities R.E. French Residentials 16-19 Curriculum


About French

At The Link all pupils attend French lessons. We aim to teach the children to communicate in French through enjoyment and satisfaction. This helps build their confidence and give them a feeling of success. By studying French, pupils are given the opportunity to discover the nature of languages and to develop their own language and communicative skills through an alternative medium.

Lessons are largely oral, supported by audio and video tapes, with games and songs as an important element. Most of the topics suggested by the National curriculum are covered: “France, me, my family, classroom, sport,   food & drink, the body, free time activities, weather, about town, family and clothes.

Years 10 and 11 go to France on an annual day trip, often an educational exchange with a similar French school. They are given specific tasks to give them the opportunity to speak French with native speakers and to experience at first hand French culture and language.

French has become an important part of the ASDAN accreditation scheme at The Link.


French trip to Lille

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