The Link Secondary School

"Together we make a stronger Link"

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Welcome to the Link Association page.

The Association exists to raise funds for both The Link Primary School and The Link Secondary School and it has enjoyed fantastic support in its present form for a number of years.  With only 85 pupils in total, it is hard to believe the amounts of money that we have been able to give to both schools over the last few years and this would not be possible without the hard work of everyone involved and the support of local businesses.

Registered with the Charities Commission, the Association is run by a duly elected Committee.

The current Officers are:

Ron Henstock                Joint Chair

Catherine Roffey            Joint Chair

Neil Roffey                   Treasurer

Sue Locke                     Secretary

Karen Pritchard             Newsletter Editor

We meet 3-4 times a year mainly to plan our next fund-raising event and these are informal and quite good fun.  At present, we hold two major events – the Christmas Fair and the Summer Fair – as well as a Disco at The Secondary School in the Spring Term. Although it is sometimes difficult for parents to attend these evening meetings there are many who contribute in other ways.  This can be anything from sourcing prizes, selling raffle tickets to preparing and helping at the events. 

While we aim to raise as much as possible, we are determined to make the events somewhere our children and parents can enjoy themselves (and they do!).

Our next event will be The Summer Fair to be held at The Secondary School on Saturday 20 June, 12 - 3pm.

We are running the popular 100 Club, a lottery style fundraising activity. Do contact the office if you would like to join.


If you would like to contact the Association for any reason, this can be done through the school offices.  


Who's the winner? Ron announces the raffle draw.

A full house at The Christmas Fair 2007.

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