The Link Secondary School

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Local Out of School Activities

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Finding good quality hands on and fun activities for young people with Special Needs can be difficult. These are a few of the local organisations that have been used by some of our families. If you have come across other providers who can give our pupils a chance to explore, create and mix with others during their leisure time, weekends and holidays then we would love to hear from you and add them to this list.

Youth Clubs

Tuesdays after school at Waddon Youth Centre and also Thursday evenings at Purley. Contact the Croydon Youth Service for information.

Sutton Youth Centre offers a range of activities, contact Mike Hurley 0208 642 0634

Leisure Centres

There are a number of excellent Leisure Centres which are worth contacting as their programmes change regularly;

Westcroft, Tel: 0208 770 4800, Sutton Arena,Tel: 0208 770 4088, The Phoenix Centre, Tel: 0208 770 606, Cheam Leisure Centre, Tel: 0208 770 4830

Sports and Social Activities

SCOLA offer a series of activities including; Yogacise, Dance and Keep fit. Contact Michael Humphreys, Tel: 0208 770 6919.

MENCAP organise many events for both families and young people and can be contacted at: Sutton Mencap, 8 Stanley Park Road, Wallington, Tel: 0208 647 8600

Bowling: Sutton Superbowl, Tel: Tracy 0208 647 8600

Cricket: LCCA Cricket Centre, Plough Lane, Wallington,Tel: 0208 669 2177

Cycling: Saturdays – 2.00 p.m.  Tel: Shirley Quemby, 0208 642 3720 and Croydon Arena, Tel:  Liz Mincer 07946 362193

Dance: Sutton Arena and Phoenix Centre for age 16+.  Tel: Tracey 0208 647 8600

Football: Sutton Eagles ( Ages 5 – 12, 13 – 16, and 16+) meets at Westcroft Leisure Centre every other Saturday.Tel: Genevieve Gould 0208 401 2037.

Horse Riding: The Diamond Centre, Woodmansterne  Road, Carshalton.Tel: 0208 643 7764

Rugby: The Bulls Junior Club, Poulter Park, off Peterborough Road, Carshalton.  Sundays 10.30 – midday.  Age 5 – 18.  Tel: Damian 0208 217 4201, 07950 056560

Swimming (Waves)  Westcroft Leisure Centre, Wednesdays.  Tel: 8770 4800

Swimming (Lessons)   Westcroft Leisure Centre, Wednesdays 6.00 – 6.30 p.m.

Tennis Sutton Junior Tennis Centre Rosehill, Sutton.  Tel:  Jackie Wilkes 0208 641 6611

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